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Work-Related Suicide: Work Health Expert Committee (WHEC) Evidence Review

Following communication with HSE, WHEC was asked to consider the occupational factors that may contribute to the risk of suicide.

The review found that:

  • Suicide risk varies strongly between occupational groups in the UK, with the highest risk found amongst workers in low skilled, and some skilled, positions

  • In the UK, there are no systematic methods of taking an overview of employee suicides in an organisation or workplace. It would be beneficial to establish a way of recording relevant data

  • In instances of suicide where work factors appear important, coroners may have a role to play through their Reports to Prevent Future Deaths. HSE should build on their existing Memorandum of Understanding with the Chief Coroner of England and Wales to explore how this could be optimised; and develop a similar understanding with the Procurator Fiscal’s Office in Scotland

WHEC concluded that:

“While there are clear differences in risks of suicide between occupational groups in the UK, current means to identify high risk organisations and workplaces are weak.”

Read the full evidence review paper:

Join us at a lunchtime seminar to hear two of the authors discuss the findings of the review: Wednesday 16 November 2022, 13:00 - 14:00

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