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Schools In England To Be Given A Defibrillator - Building On First Aid And CPR Training


State-funded schools across England will receive defibrillators under new government plans to make sure there is a device in every school, boosting their numbers in communities across the country.

Defibrillators have the potential to save the lives of pupils, staff and visitors in schools, with latest research showing that accessing these devices within 3-5 minutes of a cardiac arrest increases the chance of survival by over 40%.

A survey will soon go out to all state-funded schools to finalise the number of devices that will need to be procured, which is estimated to be over 20,000.

The government has committed to funding all necessary devices so that every school has at least one on-site, or more for schools with larger sites.

The defibrillators will protect pupils, staff and visitors to the schools, including local communities who use school facilities. For example, this could mean football teams who hire school pitches would be protected, as well as keeping pupils safe during the school day.

The roll out will build on existing requirements for schools to teach first aid as part of the curriculum, with secondary school pupils being taught life-saving methods such as CPR and the purpose of defibrillators. It will help protect schools and their local communities against cardiac arrest, delivering wider access to these devices.

Are you up to date with your First Aid Training, including how to respond to incidents with an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)? Or maybe you are looking to ensure your pupils are first aid trained.

Feel free to get in contact to discuss your requirements! You Can Do It Training over a variety of QNUK Accredited First Aid Courses, that can be delivered on-site, or at our venue!

Contact us:

01782 438813

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