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NEBOSH Support for NCRQ Learners


Following the recent administration of NCRQ, NEBOSH is eager to help those who had enrolled on a Diploma Course delivered by NCRQ and not yet completed their studies.

The NEBOSH National Diploma for Occupational Health and Safety Management Professionals is the same level as the NCRQ Diploma.

Inevitably there will be shared learning outcomes between the NEBOSH and NCRQ Diploma syllabuses, therefore NEBOSH are in the process of mapping the NCRQ qualification against their own to determine these points. By doing this, NEBOSH can also recognise a delegates prior learning. Due to this, a delegate may not need to undertake all of the NEBOSH Diploma course, instead they may be able to complete just some parts of the course, or a bridging course.

Delegates would be required to undertake all NEBOSH National Diploma Assessments, which are one workplace assignment and two scenario-based case studies.

NEBOSH are working as quickly as they can to conclude the mapping exercise. As soon as they do they will brief the Learning Partners who are accredited to deliver the NEBOSH National Diploma. They will also publish a statement on their website to confirms these details for interested learners and provide contact details for those NEBOSH-accredited Learning Partners who are able to help.

If you would like to know more about the NEBOSH National Diploma for Occupational Health and Safety Management Professionals, please visit the dedicated web page where you can find extensive information: National Diploma for Safety and Health Management Professionals.

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