CSCS have published their latest newsletter outlining the following amendments:
PQP Card Requirements:
Following a review of the recognition of Professional Bodies for the issue of the Professionally Qualified Person (PQP) card, CSCS is amending its procedures to only recognise professionally qualified members of such bodies for the issue of the PQP card, effective from June 30th 2023.
Professional members of approved bodies can continue to apply for their PQP cards via their respective organisation as normal, however those not yet professionally qualified should apply directly via for their required card – most likely the Apprentice, Trainee or Academically Qualified Person (AQP) cards.
This decision will not affect the renewal of cards for those who hold professionally qualified grades of membership that are currently recognised by CSCS.
Changes to the CITB HS&E (Touch Screen Test) for Managers and Professionals:
To ensure that the test remains relevant, fit for purpose, and reflects changes made to legislation, working practices and new technology, CITB have updated both the test and the revision materials.
Based on industry feedback, six additional subjects that are all hugely relevant to today’s managers – and the managers of the future – have been included:
• Mental health • Leadership • Occupational health governance • Behavioural safety • New technologies • Improving legislative compliance.
From 27th June 2023, the new pass mark for the Managers and Professionals test is 90%. To pass, you need to answer at least 45 out of 50 questions correctly. The pass mark is changing to ensure that there is consistency across all Health, Safety & Environment tests.
For more information, and to access a sample test:
The new test will be launched on 27 June 2023.