Asbestos Remediation and Removal
Work involving the removal or repair of asbestos containing materials falls within two distinct categories:
1) Work with asbestos which requires a license (licensable work with asbestos);
Certain types of work involving higher risk asbestos materials can only be carried out by those who are trained and competent to do so and have been issued with a license by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). This type of work meets the definition of ‘licensable work with asbestos’ within the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR 2012).
2) Work with asbestos which does not require a license (non-licensed work with asbestos);
Whilst still requiring competence and training, work with certain asbestos materials with lower associated risks can be done without the need for a license by the HSE. This type of work is classed as non-licensed work with asbestos. Some non-licensed work may fall under the banner of notifiable non-licensed work (NNLW).
Should the safe remediation or removal of asbestos materials be the necessary course of action, then we are able to advise and assist you as necessary to ensure that the work is carried out competently and in line with legislative requirements and guidance.
Asbestos waste collection:
Asbestos is classed as a hazardous waste and significant penalties can be imposed on those found responsible for incorrect disposal.
We can assist with arranging for the collection of a range of asbestos materials from corrugated cement garage roof sheets at a domestic property to fly tipped asbestos waste.
Please contact us for further advice or information on the safe remediation or removal of asbestos containing materials.
Call You Can Do It .Training on 01782 438813, email or complete the contact box opposite.
Asbestos remediation and removal services throughout the United Kingdom and cities including Birmingham, Leeds, Greater Manchester, Liverpool, Nottingham, Derby, Sheffield and Wolverhampton, as well as throughout surrounding counties including Staffordshire, Cheshire, Shropshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, Merseyside, Lancashire, Yorkshire and into North and South Wales.